Saturday, August 06, 2005

02 - my weekends

I love my weekends. I understand this as my personal time that needs to be spent with my family, with myself and with my friends doings the things I love doing.

Amongst the many things that keep me busy and happyily engagement during the weekends, is entertaining people at home, and going out to party across Mumbai. During these social interactions, I get to meet various interesting people. This bit of my blog is to share these interesting charaters with you. And believe me I get to meet quite a few. So here goes my first post on this matter..

Last night, I did the usual round of having some friends home, moving to Zenzi in Bandra, then heading to Squeeze, onwards to some place in Andheri, finding the place shut, having andaa bhurjee in some shady roadside joint that I had heard so much about and then going home by 4:00AM thoroughly disgusted with myself and the evening.

I have to confess, all was not lost through the evening. I had a great time actually till I left Zenzi. Me and my wife were out with a friend last night. We for the first time, in our social interactions out with a friend, landed up having a decent and intelligent conversation. We talked about issues that are relevant to our city... During the evening, we also met an old friend of my wife from Pune who joined us and tried to participate in the conversation but was looking so bored when we discussed a professional model for governance for Mumbai that I was surprised. Was he surprised that friends on a weekend wanted to discuss serious issues, or did he never think about these issues that plague our city or he just didn't care about the seriousness of the conversation... I dont know... I am not sure if its important to most people. I personally am unsure of the value of these social interactions myself.

What do I go out for... Is it purely to see some nice chickies, is it to meet friends that you call 'friends', is it to listen to music thats available at home, is it to ensure a change of place, is it to run away from the monotony that surrounds our personal lives or MOST IMPORTANTLY, is it to run away from ourselves..Help me find the answer.


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